(209) 269-8000


1 April 2010 – Holy Thursday



All the holes we dig here take a lot of work to fill back in. Usually with lots of rocks and sledgehammering and so on. But this one twisted us around in new ways. A different kind of baptism.



Then we got the bright idea to put some of the polythene sheeting on top of the murram and run the compactor over it. That was a big improvement, though a little tricky. And eventually we were able to raise the level of the compacted murram enough to gain some breathing room. While we were compacting the guys were filling the Bedford with the next load of murram, and we finally got down to some dried stuff and could skip the sheeting.



What I wanted when I got home was a Demerol drip and a squad of skilled, empathic Swedish masseuses. What I got was a shower with hot water, dinner, a smile from Emily Moses, and a long talk with my nearest distant friend. On that night when bread and trust were broken, when friends slept and great heart faltered, I was safe and fed and loved and sure of tomorrow,  that we could call it Good.


Some payment has been made. And soon, Easter.


So long for now.




  1. Paula Machado says

    Dear David,
    Great to hear from you at RR.
    What a gorgeous slide show!
    Holy cow! Phew… an amazing feat.
    It reminds me of a quote from a dear friend from the sixties:
    ” Never mistake a rut for a deep groove.” ha ha.
    Job done!
    Your ” stone baptismal” is such a clever analogy.
    Rest up some and do make it a wonderful Easter Sunday.
    Your friend,

  2. Pat says

    Happy Holy Thursday Brother,
    The pictures along with your narrative tells the story so well! I feel what your day was like. thanks for sharing it with us all! As we-ve said often, nothing is ever easy in Kenya! You accomplished SO MUCH since my last visit. One can see it all coming together. You’re certainly on the downside of your journey. You’re diliiigence is truly inspiring!! I know you have lots to still do but sit down along the roadside of your journey this EASTER and rest! God is our provider and I join you in an Easter prayer of thankgiving to Jesus for the salvation he brought to this world! It is all good Brother. Tuesday it will all start up again but you’ll be refreshed. Hugs, Prayers and Love from us all! Lish, Pat, Joey, Uncle Kayla and Ali Bear!!! P.S. I huged Boo Boo and Bubba and sweet Emily yesterday and reminded them of their dear PAPA’s Love!

  3. david says

    Chris, April 2nd, 2010

    “Ah, the vagaries—and insistency of water. How long the drought has been, and now, all of a sudden you’re forced (led?) to discover all its subterranean wanderings. All of this must have been—and likely, still is—harrowing. I can sense it even here, in this blog where you so often understate real emergencies. I hope those Swedish masseuses had the suppleness and acumen that you have had in dealing with this seeping water. I don’t know how you decipher among possible strategies for such unforeseeable events. Thank God for your native pluck and ingenuity. Reminds me of late-game situations, when you have to throw the playbook out, and it’s the one with the most intuitive guile and steeliness who wins the day.

    “I keep reading through my journal from a year ago. Walking with you and B. and Debi in the Good Friday procession in Nairobi…Easter at Joel’s church. A table and a couple of Tuskers between us then…

    “Be well. Take the kind of good care of yourself that you’re giving to the unexpected seep beside the walls…

    “Love you, brother,


  4. david says

    Hello Paula, Pat and Chris,

    I’ve tried to post replies here to your comments here a number of times and have been foiled. The screening mechanism saw me as an undesirable, I guess. Pretty advanced software! In any case I’m trying again and think I might hit pay dirt this time.

    Thanks for your kind words, your hugs..for me and Boo Boo and Bubba, and your encouragement and your prayers. We feel all of them here and are buoyed up by your spirits expressed in your words.

    We will keep you posted on our progress and our trials, and know that you are with us through it all.

    Bless all of you,


  5. Gigi says

    Dear David…. I so enjoyed looking at the fotos of the orphange and the countryside and the progress. I am truly in awe, and almost moved beyond words. I see the draw and why your determination. Incredible.

    Take care of yourself…. Gigi

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