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02/27: Catching Up

It is a plain fact that my life here has a different rhythm than my life there. As a consequence, my intentions to write stack up a good bit higher than the word count. I’m hoping for a late inning rally at the desk.

In Kenya news, things have taken a slow but generally steady course upward. It’s true that the Kofi Annan led talks have stalled, but there has been no violence in several weeks, and there is hope for further negotiations, a coalition government, and an army ant’s uphill march to what’s next. I’m heading back in a couple of weeks, anxious for the work, and toting an accordion file full of “signed on the dotted line–safety first” promises.

The project is in an area that has, mercifully, seen little upheaval and no real violence, even in the worst of it, so for the most part we should be able to go forward with business as usual. Not that usual is always a bowl of jacaranda blossoms, but then again, what is. A lot of good work has managed to get itself done here, and an increasing number of you had a hand in that. Thank you kindly. For that and what will yet come. The weekend of March 8-9, Laura McCaffrey and I will be speaking at the masses at Annunciation Cathedral. If you have some spare admiration lying around, it’ll find a good home in Laura. She lived and worked with Mary at Springs of Hope, a rescued baby center and our partner project in Machakos, for three months. She’ll set us all straight. I’m working on a journal entry that should be posted tomorrow or nearly so. Keep an ear to the ground.

With lots of Red Rhino love from sunny CA,


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