(209) 269-8000


22 September 2013

Hello All,

Most of you by now will have heard about the attack by Al Shabob (Al Queda) gunmen and women on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. I won’t attempt a historical overview here, but it has its roots in the Kenya-Somalia conflict that has been simmering for a long time and ratcheted up in intensity and violence in the last couple of years, with grenades lobbed into churches and matatus, and various other small scale attacks. This is a horse of a different color.

Above everything else, I want you to know that we, and all of those close to us here are fine. Red Rhino is thirty miles outside of Nairobi in a quiet, generally sleepy place called Lukenya. The kids know about the attack and we have done everything to let them know that they are safe and secure. They believe us.

The city is quiet today. Most people are home with the news on. And it isn’t good. You’ve no doubt seen the numbers. The terrorists are still in Nakumatt, a kind of Kenyan supermarket, with many hostages, and the city is wandering in the energized limbo of ongoing crisis. The kids have just finished dinner and are getting ready for bed. We have our trust in what can’t be shaken, and our hope in what is ever secure.

For the kids,



  1. Joan Bosworth says

    Thank you David for this update. I have been thinking of all of you since I heard the news and hoping that you were safe. Please continue to keep us informed. Stay safe. Extra hugs to everyone.

    • david says

      Hi Bonnie,

      Thanks for your thoughts. All here miss you . I’ll keep you updated.
      Lots of love.

  2. David Hakeem says

    David, thank you for the updated news that you and all are well and safe. We will keep you in our prayers. Dave Hakeem

  3. Bob Saunders says

    Mighty fine news, Brother mine…Keep on living & see you in October…All love to you & R…Bob

  4. Etienne says

    Thanks for the update, David. We are praying for you, Ronah, and the children and supervisors at the orphanage. We love your all! We’re also praying for those directly and indirectly affected by this act. May God grant all of us grace, peace, and wisdom at this time

  5. david says

    Hi Bob,

    Yes, some good news among all the bad. As always, I suppose. Things are beginning to be “normal” again, if it is possible to say that. I’m looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.

    Keeping on with the living, and remembering those who aren’t,



  6. Bernie & LouAnn says

    LouAnn and I are so glad to hear from you, David, and to know that you and those entrusted to your care are safe and secure. We had no doubt that you were. May God continue to watch over and protect you — always. Hope to see you soon!

    Bernie & LouAnn

  7. Margie Ramos says

    I too have been wondering about the children and happy to hear they and staff are safe.

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