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6 June 2013 – Madaraka Weekend

Hello All,

July 4th comes early here. June 1 to be exact. It’s Madaraka Day. This year is the 50th anniversary of Kenyan Independence. The weekend is marked by stirring patriotic speeches and lots of national pride. It’s nice. Fifty years. Old and young. Here’s a look at the weekend at Red Rhino.



So long for now.

Yours for continuing Independence, here and there.



  1. Bob Saunders says

    Freedom & Love!!!

  2. Peggy says

    I was there for Madaraka Weekend last year. I remember lots of speeches and parades on TV. Much more fun to be dancing and celebrating Karen’s birthday. It’s so good to see those faces again – including yours — thanks, David

  3. Sherry Guidi says

    David you have an amazing way with words! You are so funny and an excellent story teller. Pass your gift onto those kiddos!

  4. Bonnie Neuer says

    Thank you, David, for these latest pictures and captions (with the exception of pet bats!) I save them all, and hope to put names to faces after my trip.
    Can’t wait to meet everyone there at RR. Aug.1st will be here soon!

  5. Jeanette Marquez says

    Always a joy to see the progress of RROP. The children exude love. They are the natural sweet of the earth and their sweetness goes a long way. God bless them and all those who care for them and support the RROP.

  6. Chris says

    Well, David, how I miss bouncing along those good dirt backroads myself. But how even more delightful to watch the dear kids out and about themselves. True freedom, I’d say. Real independence.

    And about that bat-couple who have moved in with you…

    Please convey some of their progeny back with you to the eaves at Rocky Creek.

  7. Joan Bosworth says

    I didn’t realize it was Karen’s birthday in June. Please give her a hug for me and a belated wish for a happy 10th year.

    I enjoyed reading about all the preparation for the celebration and really loved that heart shaped cake. Hope it was chocolate!

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