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18 December 2012 – Welcome Back and Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all!

It has been far too long. If you need to jog your memory…it’s me,  your formerly semi-regular poster and correspondent. If I had been on the ball, I would have fired myself and found you someone with more regular habits. But my irregular habits got in the way. So in the spirit of giving and forgiving, here’s something from under our tree.

With the Christmas news taken care of, the following are some snapshots of life around here recently.

The next section is by now old news, but if you’ve been entirely without news, I guesss no news is old news.

It’s a Bug’s Life, pt. something.

We send you all our best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a New Year filled with love and proper accessories.

David and the gang




  1. Candy says

    Merry Christmas to David and all of your lovely RROP children and staff ! We send big hugs from Colorado and wish you God’s blessings throughout the new year!

  2. Peggy says

    Thanks, David.
    Wonderful to see news old and new: the staff, the bugs, especially the kids – all with the beautiful bougainvillaea blooming in the background. Welcome to Fiona and Happy Christmas to ALL.
    PS: That is Mama Joy with the knock-knock joke — wish I were there, but am still in cold Calif.

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