(209) 269-8000


2 April 2012 – Flora


We give our kids huge amounts of good food, clean fresh water, and lots and lots of love. And they grow and grow. You’ve seen it. The lucky ones in person, and the rest in the photos over our time here. In the last nine months or so, all this is also true of our plants, which you haven’t really seen. Let’s change that.

We had a small sprinkle today. It’s time for the long rains to come. They have mostly failed in the last five or six years. We, and everyone in this whole area of Kenya, Ukambani, need them very badly. Those of you who pray can put this on your list. At the top.

Yours for hydrogen and oxygen, in unequal parts,






  1. Martin says

    Leave it to you to turn a patch of dry savanna into the Boboli Gardens.

    How are the cactus and acacia around the perimeter doing?

    — Martin

  2. david says

    Hi Martin,

    Amazing what some regular hydration can do.

    The cacti are doing well. The acacias are in places tall and in others, small. But generally good.

    Must be spring in Appleville.


  3. Chris L says

    So wonderful — miraculous really — to see these beautiful plants. They must be quite a presence, I imagine. So grateful for all the beings who have made this possible.

    And I’ll be keeping the long rains in my prayers, too.


  4. david says

    Hi Chris,

    The plants are important in so many ways. And so we use a good deal of our store of water to keep them happy. And when the kids aren’t busy tormenting them in all sorts of ways, they seem happy…and green.

    No news yet on the rains. Looked they were coming, but they went to the prom with someone else. Keep up the intercession, my brother.


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