(209) 269-8000


11 March 2011 – Ashes To Ashes and Ball Joints to Dust

I remember Lent from my childhood. A small monastic inclination in the day-to-day, a paper bag in a cupboard with candy deferred, and a cloud of not understanding that I liked. Here’s how it showed up this year.



All the best in your preparation.




  1. Joan Bosworth says

    I see lent is being honored. Are all the children baptized Catholic?

  2. admin says

    Hi Joan,

    No, we haven’t baptized any of the kids. Lots of things to consider when you adopt 21 kids!!


  3. Pat says

    Good Morning [Evening], I enjoyed our visit last evening! Such a typical story from Kenya. You’re certainly blessed l that it ended so well. I know it seems sometimes you’re fighting uphill. Just remember that God is your light and He is with you as well as all of us ALWAYS! Keep the faith Brother!!!

    The children look wonderful! Give them all a hug! Have a blessed day David!

    Hugs, Love and Prayers,

  4. admin says

    Hey Shep,

    Yes. Great to talk to you yesterday. Just got home after tucking the kids in for the night. That’s the centering point. That’s where the uphill turns to a downhill coast. The boys were learning the Apostle’s Creed this evening. Just like we did. Just like our parents did. And so it goes…

    Trevor sends his warmest regards. Me too.



  5. Bernie & LouAnn says

    Wonderful “Travelogue”, David! Enjoyed seeing the celebration of Lent in Kenya with all the kids.

    Thank goodness you are so “street smart”! Others of us would not have fared so well. What you do, and how you do it, is absolutely remarkable! Keep up the good work (God’s work)!

    Love, and God Bless!

    B & L

  6. admin says

    Hi Bernie and LouAnn,

    We’re knee deep in Lent here. The kids are naturals at long preparatory seasons.

    Anyone living in Kenya has to develop a few street smarts, or the street will sort you out post haste. You would be just fine, and your learning curve short here.

    Lots of love,


  7. Chris L says

    Once again, your blog had the intelligence to block one of my comments. Wish I had that self-control.


  8. admin says


    We pay a lot of money for those riff raff filters. Good to see they’re on the job.


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