(209) 269-8000


1 March 2011 – “No! I am Spartacus! And Those Are My Red Shoes.”

Some red splotches, some red shoes…go figure.




But this story doesn’t end with murderous dreams. It switches to separate events and a confluence.


“Between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out.” Iris Murdoch


Thankfully there are exceptions.




  1. Bob says

    Nothing like an excellent tale told by an excellent teller…Love Bob

  2. Martin says

    Those faces of the condemned are priceless. Every one of them is whispering through gritted teeth and squinted eyes: “While you sleep, Saunders…”


    p.s. how exactly do you say good luck in Swahili, again? Was it “tuberculazi hopeni dun getya”?

  3. dave hakeem says

    loved the story of the red shoes, especially the “thumbs up”by Peter. Praying for all……across the miles.

  4. Jeanette Marquez says

    Excellent! Those shoes should be bronzed once they are retired.

  5. admin says

    Dear Bob,

    If I’m a story teller I learned it from you, with a little Uncle Jim thrown in for good measure. And some tales here darn nea tell themselves.

    Lots of love to you and Patti,


  6. admin says

    It’s a good thing the potential conspirators have a healthy fear Cerberus who watches over me as I sleep.

    The “good luck” in Kiswahili sounded a lot like “don’t take any calls from the mzungu’s doctor.”

    Hacking away,


  7. admin says

    You know what I like, Dave. The fact that those Chuck Taylors Peter is wearing are exactly the same as the ones (minus the red color) we wore when we were going undefeated in CYO ball in the 7th grade at St Gertrude’s. Now that’s staying power.

    Your point guard.

  8. admin says

    Hi Jeanette,

    We could maybe dunk “em in a batch of wet concrete…would that work?


  9. Ed Richardson says

    You guys did it again!! A great story about the ‘RED’ Sneakers and the trip they took. Wow! A long walk through many travel bags, cars, vans buses and on to the RROP.

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