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5 February 2011 – Table Talk

People often ask me what it’s like to live/work in Kenya. It’s not so much “like” anything else that I know. And mostly it resists adequate verbal explanation. So in the interest of showing rather than telling, I thought I’d let you in on what we did when we needed eight tables for the property. We wanted them to be folding and as much as possible, everlasting, and though we looked high and low, couldn’t find a Costco. The small story that follows will serve as well as anything I can think of as an answer to the question. Any questions?


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Stop by some time, pull up a bench, and do your homework.




  1. Bob says

    Nice job, David. About which Winston Churchill might have said “It is no use saying, ‘We are doing our best.’ You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.” A fine example of you & you team’s resourcefulness & single minded determination from the beginning….Love…Bob

  2. Chris L says

    Ah, I recognize this Daedalian love for all these shapes and shavings and artifices. Very lovely, even by themselves — let alone when they become something put to such important use.

    Blessings upon all the craftsmen.


  3. jim micheletti says

    If there ever were tables of plenty, you’ve got ’em. Thanks always for our place with the kids at these altars.

    Big Love,

    Jim, Lisa, Kristin, Sophia Micheletti

  4. Jeanette Marquez says

    How fortunate those trees which grew somewhere distant and had a destiny to be transformed into tables and benches of such grand purpose.

    Caring hands made strong the frame and smooth the surfaces, I expect these new furnishings were greeted by eager children, teachers and caregivers.

    So happy to realize that on those surfaces will rest books capable of expanding the minds of the children, a gathering place for family meals and sharing stories and I hope a fair amount of giggles.
    Very nicely done..

  5. Mike Edson says

    I remember watching the progress on the buildings being amazed at the construction of the roof trusses. Way back when I spent a summer making trusses off Fremont St. in Stockton. They couldn’t hold a candle in comparison to your design. You could park a truck on the tops of those buildins. These tables and benches are going to get a lot of loving use. I know you were tenatious and resourceful before Nairobi David, but have graduated with your PhD now. All of this and all that follows is deeply meaninful work for some lovely children. Count me in for the balance of my life for my albiet modest support for this meaningful work.

  6. Pam Burns says

    So precious is all I can say! Think of you all often and pray God’s blessing of protection and guidance on you all. Much love.

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