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25 June 2010 – The Death of Computing

A couple of days ago, I sorted out a problem with my US bank account, spoke to my daughter, listened live to the last inning of a Giants game, got a recipe for potato leek soup, lined up three business meetings, and fiddled with the website. Then I got out of bed. Me and my little, flat white box with its glowing forbidden fruit logo.


I come home from work, crack it open and ask, in the habitual greeting of my late father-in-law, “Any news?” The real answer is always, “No.” That is, the need that gets transposed onto this interaction has nothing to do with recent events, or the desire to be surprised, even by tragedy. It is my need to be connected, to something, at times, it seems, almost anything will do. And so I continue to knock on the big door.


“Is he going anywhere with this?” a reasonable person might ask. Well, no, not really. It’s just that my laptop died, doornail dead, and sorting through the post-mortem debris I’m looking at the balance sheet. The website has been unattended and you’ve gotten “no news” from this side. I don’t know if the Giants and Pads are still holding off the demon Dodgers, I think McChrystal got canned, I assume the gulf is getting slipperier, I’m less interseted in all of the above, and feel a guilty sort of freedom, a dog who has slipped his leash.


Wendell Berry advises us to avoid looking at screens. So now I’m typing on this borrowed laptop with my eyes closed.


I’ll come to my senses in a while and things will be back to normal. But meanwhile I’m going to roam with the released pack and see what happens.


Back soon,




  1. Kirsten says

    Every update from you is like a pearl to me: crafted slowly from something inside you, sometimes at the expense of your own comfort. And, similarly, I find them unique and beautiful. Keep ’em coming, however long it takes them to get here.

    I’m praying a vague kind of “God’s hand of protection over you,” because I hear a need, but you didn’t specify it.

  2. Paula Machado says

    You are a brilliant writer. All year long I have relished your day -to -day life stories via the web. It puts my head “on location”. Red rhino construction is just magnificent! What a feat.

    Any news?
    Well, yes and no.
    Plenty of it out there in the world, but nothing wrong with a “news fast” now and then. My dad used to say to me as a teen who was always on the tele “Once you get the message, hang up the phone.” haha. So, take a well deserved breakfrom technology. Let it rest for awhile and enjoy summertime . and… “never mistake a rut for a deep groove.” :-))
    Expect something soon very from me ..maybe when you can shop for more of those pretty African printed pillows, et al.

    Be well, happy, blessed,
    Paula from SM.

  3. jim micheletti says

    Keep roaming brother! We are pleased to hear the resilience in your voice. Last week we walked a labyrinth in your name. Chris and Debi built it in their back yard. Yes, they built it and the people came.
    We pray for you and the Red Rhino labyrinth. There is a center. I know you draw strength from it and see it as the home you will know for the first time. Always for the little Christs, the kids–David, you are so loved. From time to time, allow yourself to marinate in this. Can’t wait to see you when you return. Lots of news to share with you.

    Big Love,
    Jim Micheletti

  4. admin says

    Hello Jim,

    Back in the fold on a borrowed Mac. Well-leashed again temporarily. Glad you made your prayerful way in and out of the labryinth. You’re right, the center is everything, and Yeats is wrong, the center can hold…us, you and me and the kids and our work together, and Kristen and Sophia and Lisa, and Baleigh and Braden, and a lot more.

    I’m happy to marinate in love, so long as I don’t go the way of St. Lawrence. Let’s barbeque something more tender when we meet this late summer.


  5. admin says

    Dear Paula,

    Your dad was a wise man, and when I make the turn on to La Mesa to Uncle Jim’s house and pass your former home, I’ll think of him and lay my mobile down.

    The news, fresh and clean, is that God is good. It’s news everyday. The necessary counterbalance to events.

    A get together with Tom and Billy and Carlbom is in order. Ring me when your in the Valley. Billy has pigeons now.


  6. admin says

    Hi Kristen,

    Thanks for your prayers. It’s easy for me to get wound a little tight here now. So many things need to fall into place, and so many have. Pray for me not to be such a knucklehead most of the time. That would improve things for many here. And they would bless you, as I do.

    Also, we need the replacement toilet tanks from South Africa riki tik.

    Thanks a lot,


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