(209) 269-8000


03/11: Contain Yourself!

Hello there,


Forty feet is slightly less than two thirds the distance between pitcher’s mound and home plate. It is also the exact length of the container that will be shipped from Oakland to Mombasa then trucked to and offloaded at our little eight acre slice of heaven in Daystar. What follows is the photo journal of loading day.





Lots of people worked hard over a long period of time on this 8′ x 40′ beast, but none harder than Pat Shepherd and Gary Guthrie. Pat initiated the plan and got things going and Gary came on and married himself to it for longer than the honeymoon period. So whenever I go to jump up on the tractor and miss and wind up face down in the black cotton soil, you and I will both know who to blame.



Come on over in a month or so and help us unpack it.


Love from this side,




  1. Chris says

    Bravo to everyone. When I heard/thought “container shipment,” I had no idea…

    “Face down in black cotton soil” isn’t the worse place you’ve ended up. Speaking of which, you’ve been far too circumspect about your encounter with the law. How has that all gone? Are you OK?

    Our prayers are with the whole project — and with you personally.


    Chris and Debi

  2. martin says

    amazing how much good stuff was packed in there! hopefully they sprayed the whole thing down with pirate repellent.

    with the gator and the tractor, you now have four cars by my count. are you trying to start up your own kenyanball run or something?

  3. Ed Richardson says


    You’re only a container away from some really good stuff that will follow after you receive it. Plenty of good equipment!

    My thanks to Pat and Gary plus the 17 other people that packed the container. Great teamwork.

    God Bless, Ed

  4. david says


    Your word must be taken for truth, especially since in most cases when I’ve wound up in worse places than face down in black soil, I had only to lift my addled head and turn slightly to see your smiling face.

    Yes, I’m ok and will, God willing, stay that way. We’re working hard to resolve the issues now. A tricky business for a number of reason, none of them very good.

    Many thanks for your regular prayer support. I look forward to praying together soon.

    Love to you and Debi,


  5. david says


    We packed Burt Reynolds in the container too, just added a little more formaldehyde. We’re reprising the Smoky and the Bandit series here with our doubled fleet. We might find you a part if you have a hankerin’ to be famous.

    We’re going to hire Dexter and his “fishing” boat to ride shotgun through the Gulf of Aden. Should keep ’em in line.

    All here who love you say hi.


  6. david says

    Hi Ed,

    Sorry you missed out on all the packing fun. The unpacking will be a week long present fest. Maybe you can make it for that. I can’t wait to put all that stuff to work.

    Love to you and Dottie,


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