(209) 269-8000


16 January 2011 – The Grand Opening Celebration – Red Rhino Children’s Center

A good party is something to look forward to. A great party may need a few years build up. Last Saturday we went from Beautiful Dreamer to Camptown Races.

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Here’s to the music lover in all of us,




  1. Jenny Marquez says

    I left the event filled in body and spirt. Wonderful sharing time.

  2. Debi Lorenc says


  3. Paula Machado says

    Hi David, Greg, Peggy, et al:

    Oh, what a ball I had!
    I can still feel the drums and see “in my mind’s eye’ the family of kids on Skype.

    ……Your genius is only matched by your loving, generous hearts.

    I am so happy to have attended this event with my dear friend, Bill.

    With Much Love,
    Paula Machado

  4. Shari Habeeb says

    It was a wonderful celebration! It was fun, informative, and thought provoking. Dave’s comment that this is a life time commitment, not just for a couple of years was so important for all of us realize. Thank you Dave, Greg and all the others that have worked so hard to get this project where it is today.

    God Bless You,

    Shari Habeeb

  5. Suzanne Guslani Glick says

    I am so honored to be part of an organization that is so far-reaching and dedicated to making lives better and does it with such class.

    Suzanne Guslani Glick

  6. Bea Sotelo-Fahrberger says

    I read once,

    “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

    My family and I left this event ALIVE! Thank you for all the work you have done and will continue to do. Through prayers, blessings will continue to shower upon Red Rhino and on all of the people involved.

    Let’s get the next celebration started!!!!!!

  7. admin says

    Our deeply felt thanks to all of you who came to the “big opening ” party.

    To have so many of us there having so much fun all in support of our kids was indescribable. The kids are still talking about seeing all of their friends in America on Paul’s computer that night (morning for them).

    The love and resolve that infused the raviolis and the music and the dancing was galvanizing. Makes it possible for us all to soldier on in the necessary, joyful way.



  8. Elizabeth Traverso says

    amazing and very beautiful.

  9. admin says

    Thanks Elizabeth, you were a big part of making the night what it was. And you, too, are amazing and very beautiful.


  10. Gabriel says

    Dear Mista David,

    I was very moved by your most recent posts. Things seem to be going so well in Daystar/Lukenya. Hard to believe, really. The kids look so darn happy. Also seems that the party was a great success. Wish I could have been around for it and to see you on your latest visit home. Maybe next time. Take care and let’s talk soon. Love,


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