(209) 269-8000


19 October 2009 – Left Overs

We finished up the paving slabs a few days ago, once we got our system down it was smooth. Here are a few snapshots from then and today. Tomorrow is a holiday, Kenyatta Day. The 10th was Moi Day. Were playing through on this one.


After Gilbert and I laid the slabs, Musembi would steady the ship and David would shake his money-maker.



That’s all the news that’s fit to print.


Your reporter from the dry front,




  1. Chris L says

    Ah, that ongoing stonework. I love the mazzera stone…and those jacaranda trees. And it’s so wonderful recognizing all our familiar friends. Be safe and all — all of you.



  2. david says


    All the workers here send their big howdy’s to you. They, as well as I, remember your working heart and hands. The jacarandas are magnificent. When the blossoms fall on the ground, unless they are seriously disturbed, they remain in tact for days, carpeting in purple what they fall on.

    Safety first. That’s my motto. Love to all,


  3. Ed Richardson says


    It all looks so good! What a job you have done in bringing the first building close to completion. Next summer will be a treat for everyone who is travelling to RROP.

    Be well and have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  4. Ed Richardson says


    It all looks so good! What a job you have done in bringing the first building close to completion. Next summer will be a treat for everyone who is travelling to RROP.

    Be well and have a Happy Halloween & Thanksgiving!


    • david says

      Hi Ed,

      Are you and Dottie among the prospective travelers? Halloween, one of my very favorites, is tricky here. One has to manufacture it from scratch. I’m on the hunt for a pumpkin and some people to trick. Keep you posted.


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