(209) 269-8000


The Big Fill

Hope you’re all fine,


We had laid two layers of hardcore and murram down in the main excavated section of the future kitchen, and needed to get  better compaction than our water-filled drum was giving us, so I rented a compacting machine thinking we would compact this half of the work, and then finish the backfill and rent the machine again. Anyway, here’s basically how it went along.



About half way through the day, we saw that it just might be possible to get it all filled and compacted today if we worked like crazy. So I promised the guys more money and they went hard at it. It was the best day of work we have had. We worked ’til just before dark, finished and were finished.


We’ll talk again soon,




  1. martin says

    to look at that nicely leveled space, you’d hardly know it contains the secrets of the black cotton catacombs.

    i hope there was a tusker baridi waiting for you at the end of that arduous day. if not, there will be one here.


  2. david says

    Dear Martin,

    The secrets are now entombed in the hundreds of tons of hardcore it took to seal the deal.

    I’ll be in SD and take you up on that Tusker baridi.


  3. John and Gayle DeGregori says

    We are amazed at all the hard work!! Blessings to all. Gayle & John

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