(209) 269-8000


06/04: The 3000 Liter Water Tank Stand

We had the stone, the sand, the ballast, the cement, the lumber, and a growing case of building fever. So we set to it and in three work days raised a modest 6’x6’x6′ water tower of babel. Despite of the fact that the mutually unintelligible chattering was limited to just three distinct tongues: Kiswahili, Kikamba and Kalifornian, we managed a respectable amount of confusion.

What follows is the tale in summary in two parts. Part one, at the standard picture/word rate should be worth about twenty one thousand.

See you with part two before the foundation cures.

Yours for towering dreams,

David and the tower people


  1. Chris says

    What a great story — and great project. You’re practicing cliff-hanger photographic prose now, I see. And I can’t wait to see the finished edifice. Thanks for taking us along so many beautiful steps of the journey.

  2. Peggy says

    David — As always I am utterly amazed at the accomplishments under the circumstances. Having watched a zillion cooking shows I could follow the recipe. What a great crew of “cooks” you have and so colorful.

    Thank you for another great photo-story!

  3. david says

    Hi Peggy,

    I’m not sure how Jacques Pepin would feel about our “cooking,” but I’m glad you liked it. Stop by for a slice and tea any afternoon. And, sa always, thanks for all your efforts.



  4. david says

    Dear Christian,

    We prefer to think of it as “tower-hanging” photo prose, when we think of it at all. And in an attempt to restore stable cardiac rhythms all around, I’ve come clean with part 2.

    And speaking of literary anticipation, I’m all full of a chapter two thirst now that I have drunk chapter one in full measure. Beautiful and full of allure. Hook a brother up!

    Thankful for God’s gift to you,


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